Ways You Can Help

West Fresno Family Resource Center (WFFRC) is funded by the private gifts of individuals, churches, businesses and foundations.

WFFRC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization – all gifts are tax-deductible.


Volunteer your energy, talents and resources to bring inspiration and hope to those who need it.

Sign Up Now


Transfer funds from your PayPal account to WFFRC.

Click Here to Donate

Donate By Mail

Mail your gift to:

Yolanda Randles

700 Van Ness Ave. STE# 201

Fresno CA. 93721

Select A Program To Donate To

Designate which program you want to contribute to

Back to School Health Fair

Donation funds are used for

School Supplies, Clothes, Shoes, Coats, etc.

Click Here to Donate

Sickle Cell Disease

Donation funds are used to further our efforts to increase the number of patients with access to care.

Click Here to Donate

Sweet Potato Project

Donation funds are used to

support community-based efforts specifically addressing African-American youth ages 12-15

Click Here to Donate

Special Events

Donation funds are used to

support any of our highlighted calendar events

Click Here to Donate

General Operations

Donation funds are used to

support the general operations needed for the

overall efforts of WFFRC

Click Here to Donate

Subscription Based Donations

One-Time Donations

Select a 1-time donation

as often as you would like

Donations starting at


Donate Now

Monthly Donations

Easy, on-going support

to the West Fresno FRC

Donations starting at


Donate Now
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